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Slip into the weekend w/ Voulez Vous Orchestra

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I’m an ABBA baby.
I’m pretty sure there was some ABBA involved in my conception.
Moving along very quickly then…
 I love Voulez Vous Orchestra’s chill treatment of all the ABBA classics.
Check them out here and here.
P.S. Frida & Agnetha’s outfits are giving me all kinds of FW2014/SS2015 vibes 🙂 








lotus-cabina-10-800pxbali-cabina-11-800px the-most-beautiful-view-in-costa-rica

Images via

I’ve always daydreamed with the idea of going to a yoga retreat.
Those kind of day dreams where there really is no real intention to make it happen.

Why do we convince ourselves that good things are too hard, too far away or too good to be true?

After reading this article, I’ve decided that this needs to happen. 
That I’m going to MAKE it happen. 


Do you know of any good yoga retreats? Let me know below 🙂

Chloe & Gaby

CnAv41 on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

When I saw the first image from this show on my Instagram feed I started hyperventilating. Chloe & Alberta Ferretti almost always have this effect on me. Sweeping airy silhouettes and strappy heels? SWOON.
I was however, sad to learn about the passing of Chloe founder Gaby Aghion yesterday but grateful for her bohemian freespirited contribution to this world of wearable art.
Images via & via

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