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What happens when a woman speaks her truth?

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset“Be free. Be free. You have mattering to see to.

Tell your truth, and if your voice shakes?

Let it shake the earth.

If your knees tremble, let the ground also tremble as you rise. When your heart pounds below your skin let the rushing river of your bloodsong be your primal rhythm, the wild anthem your soul cries out when she bursts into light.

When a woman speaks her truth, she sets her soul free.
When a woman speaks her truth, she sets others free.
When a woman speaks her truth, she heals herself.
When a woman speaks her truth, she heals the world.
When a woman speaks her truth she invites, creates, heals, births, and awakens.”

These beautiful words are from The Bohemian Collective . I read them last week and they have been haunting me ever since. I can’t forget them I keep going over and over them.


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