All natural e’erything is my new moto and these are a few things I’ve gotten from IHERB recently that I’m completely in love with.
NOW SOLUTIONS 100% PURE ROSE HIP SEED OIL: This has been replacing my Embryolisse as my night time moisturizer & I don’t know why I didn’t get this before. I only use the TINIEST BIT to cover my forehead, cheeks and chin and in the morning my face looks & feels JUICY (does that make sense?), my skin feels plump & happy.
NOW SOLUTIONS 100% PURE JOJOBA OIL : I use this to remove my eye makeup and as a moisturizer for my hair. I also like coconut oil but I prefer Jojoba because it’s lighter but just as moisturizing.
HUGO NATURALS MASSAGE & BODY OIL: This has replaced my C.Booth body butter which I was crazy about (but it’s mineral oil content? not that crazy about it). This body oil is a mixture of sweet almond and jojoba oils but it’s very light and very moisturizing. I use it every morning (even on 80 degree days here in Florida) & night as soon as I step out the shower.
HUGO NATURALS SOAPS: I first spotted these at Ulta where I picked up the Grapefruit & Shea Butter/Oatmeal. They are AMAZING. They are lightly scented and leave me feeling clean without drying my extremely dry sensitive skin. You can even get a little exfoliating action from the Shea Butter/Oatmeal soap that is smooth on one side and has a layer of Oatmeal on the other. I haven’t tried the Wild African Rose or Unscented soaps yet but I expect them to be just as amazing.